What's On The Table In London? The OG British Christmas

By Shireen Jamooji

Britain is known for it's obsession with Christmas, with London alone seeing spends upwards of 85 BILLION.  But how does that all translate to the plate. What would a dinner table look like on Christmas Day. Click through to find out. 

Yorkshire Pudding

Puffed, golden and crispy, these are built to hold all your gravy and add an extra layer of texture to the meal. 

Brussels Sprouts

Love em or loathe em, you can't have a Christmas without them. These divisive vegetables show up every year without fail.

Roast Potatoes

Potatoes make every day better, so how could they be left out of Christmas. Crispy on the outside, fluffy in the middle. Perfection!


The centre of every iconic Christmas is a big, juicy turkey, designed to share (and for leftover sandwiches the next day)

Mince Pies

Filled with raisins, cranberries, and sultanas, as well as chopped nuts and spices, they're the perfect end to any meal.