A Step-By-Step Guide To Making Tofu At Home

By Yash Lakhan

August 23, 2024

Make tofu at home that tastes exactly like the one from stores with this simple recipe. By making tofu, you can ensure that your meals are high in plant-based protein, and you can get that texture and flavour boost.


2 cups dried soybeans 4 cups water (for soaking) 6 cups water (for blending) 2 tsp nigari or lemon juice (coagulant)

Step 1

Soak beans in water for the entire night. Soaked beans should be drained and blended until smooth with six cups of fresh water. 

Step 2

To extract the soy milk, strain the mixture using a muslin cloth. Bring the soy milk to a boil, then take it off the hob and mix in the coagulant.

Step 3

Allow the curds to solidify, then place them in a cloth-lined tofu mould and press to extract any remaining liquid.

Step 4

Once the tofu has cooled and solidified, it is ready to be used.