A Cup Of Health: 8 Types Of Tea You Should Try

By Shireen Jamooji

We all love a good cup of chai in the morning, but did you know that your teas are loving you back? Here are some different teas and how they can affect your health.

Black Tea

Although it’s caffeinated it also has flavonoids that combat inflammation and support healthy immune function.

White Tea

With low caffeine levels and high levels of antioxidants, it’s a great detoxifier. It also has fluoride and tannins which are good for your teeth.

Green Tea

Contains flavonoids that help to boost your heart health by lowering bad cholesterol and reducing blood clotting.

Hibiscus Tea

It lowers blood pressure, improves liver health, and contains antioxidants to combat the buildup of free radicals.

Chamomile Tea

Helps to reduce muscle spasms while improving sleep and relaxation, and reducing stress

Peppermint Tea

The menthol in this tea can help settle an upset stomach as well as provide pain relief from headaches.

Ginger Tea

Aids relief in morning sickness, and helps with chronic indigestion and joint pain caused by osteoarthritis

Oolong Tea

This Chinese blend contains l-theanine, an amino acid that reduces anxiety and increases alertness and attention.