9 Wholesome Gluten-Free Grains To Add To Your Diet

By Aanchal Mathur

Gluten is a protein naturally found in some grains. While having gluten is not risky, some people follow a gluten-free diet due to health issues like celiac disease, which makes a person allergic to gluten.


Surprised? Well oats are perfect for people following a gluten-free diet, besides being rich in fibre, protein, and other essential nutrients. 


Quinoa is one of the most popular gluten-free grains. It is packed with antioxidants and is rich in protein too.  


Buckwheat flour or kuttu is a great substitute for wheat and it is gluten-free. It is also a great source of protein and improves bone health.  


Also called rajgira, ramdana, and chaulai in Hindi, Amaranth is a light brown grain that is extremely healthy as it is power packed with calcium, iron, and zinc.


Also known as jowar, sorghum is a gluten-free grain widely cultivated in India. This grain is great for diabetic people, as the fibre present in jowar absorbs the sugar and maintains the blood sugar levels.  


Teff, the tiniest grain in existence is a staple in East Africa but still very new in India. However, it is perfect for both diabetics as well as those with gluten-allergy.


Corn is a food crop that is naturally gluten-free and fibre-rich. It also contains lots of vitamins and antioxidants like carotenoids.  


Since ancient times, people in India and Africa have produced millet or samak rice, a grain that is naturally gluten-free. The health benefits of millet became the reason for its popularity across the world. 

Brown Rice

Did you know there are more than 40,000 gluten-free types of rice? While the outer hull has been removed from white rice, the hull is left on whole grain variants like brown rice and wild rice making them a healthier rice. 

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