9 Ways To Add Leafy Greens To Your Child's Diet   

By Tarishi Shrivastava

April 15, 2024

Struggling to get your kids to eat leafy greens? Here are creative ways to sneak veggies into their meals.  

Pasta Sauce  

Add veggies to the homemade pasta sauce. This way, your kids can have leafy greens in their diet despite the struggle of not eating it.   

Soups and Stews  

Just chop or blend mixed greens and add them to the soup while cooking to make this hearty soup.  


Leafy greens and fruits combine to make a healthy drink. The sweetness of fruits masks the taste of greens, making them more appealing to kids.  

Eggs Delicacies  

Add leafy greens like moringa leaves or spinach to an omelette or scrambled eggs for a nutritious breakfast.   

Quesadillas or Wraps  

Layer leafy greens like lettuce, spinach, rocket leaves and more along with cheese, chicken, or beans ot make these nutritious wraps 

Homemade Pizzas

Greens like spinach, arugula, etc., can be added along with other toppings like cheese, tomatoes, and bell peppers for a colourful and nutritious meal.  

Smoothie Popsicles  

Blend leafy greens into smoothies and pour the mixture into popsicle moulds. Freeze the popsicles for a refreshing treat on hot days.  

Muffins or Pancakes  

Add chopped greens to the batter. It does not affect the taste, making it a sneaky way to get kids to eat their greens.  

Homemade Chips  

Make homemade leafy green chips with kale, spinach, and more, by tossing leafy greens with olive oil and seasoning and baking them.