8 Vitamin-C Rich Foods To Have In The Diet

By Tanisha Salwan

Aug 16, 2023

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Red Bell Pepper

Red bell peppers contain even more vitamin C than many citrus fruits. They can be colorful addition to dishes.

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Oranges are well-known for their high vitamin C content. They can be eaten raw or in the form of juices, desserts etc.

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Guavas are also rich in vitamin C. It's a less commonly consumed fruit but is very healthy.

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Kiwi is not just rich in vitamin C but several minerals and nutrients like fiber and potassium.

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Known for its high nutritional value, broccoli is also rich in vitamin C. 

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Strawberries are not just delicious but also has vitamin C and several other nutrients. They are quite versatile too.

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Papaya is another tropical fruit that's rich in vitamin C.  It also contains papain which promotes digestion. 

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Kale is a leafy green vegetable which is rich in vitamin C but many other nutrients. 

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