7 Tips To Ace The Perfect Salted Caramel

By Shireen Jamooji

December 15th, 2023

Image Credit: Unsplash

Discover the art of crafting perfect salted caramel with these 8 simple tips.. Elevate your desserts or share the sweetness with this foolproof recipe.

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Start With High Quality Ingredients

 Opt for fine sugar, unsalted butter, and premium sea salt.

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Treat It With Patience

Allow sugar to melt gradually for a smooth caramel.

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Stir Consistently

Consistent stirring prevents clumps and ensures an even texture.

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Add Cream Slowly

Pour cream slowly, avoiding splatters for a creamy consistency.

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Boil Slowly

Boil it for only 1-2 minutes, preventing graininess in the caramel.

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Salt At The End

Add sea salt after removing from heat, stirring evenly.

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Store After Cooling

 Let the caramel cool before storing for a perfect texture.

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