8 Things That You Can Add To Tomato Soup To Enhance Flavour

By Ujjainee Roy

November 17th, 2023

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There are several ways to elevate a humble tomato soup. It has a natural sweetness even if you haven't used cream in the recipe, so something savoury or mildly smokey can do wonders for the flavour and even prove to be umami-boosters! Here's everything you can add to your tomato soup

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Fresh Rosemary

Aromatics can make a difference in the taste of a simple tomato soup. Besides rosemary, thyme or oregano can also be added to the soup

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Grated Parmesan

The light savoury kick can really help balance the natural sweetness of tomato soup especially if it has cream or sweeteners

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Sour Cream

Top your tomato soup with a dollop of sour cream or Greek yogurt that can add creaminess and a slight tang to your soup especially if you haven't used cream in the recipe

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A dollop of fresh basil pesto can add a burst of herbaceous flavour. Swirl it into your tomato soup just before serving along with some pepper

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Homemade croutons made with garlic, herbs, and olive oil can provide a satisfying crunch. Sprinkle these on top of your soup for added texture and flavour.

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A drizzle of balsamic glaze enhances the sweetness of the tomatoes and adds a sweet and tangy flavour.

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Crispy Bacon Bits

Crumbled crispy bacon can add a savoury and smoky element to your tomato soup. The combination of the rich bacon and the acidic tomatoes creates a well-balanced taste.

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Pine Nuts

Toasted pine nuts add a nutty crunch and a subtle richness to your tomato soup. Sprinkle them on top for an extra layer of texture and flavor.

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