8 Things That Can Make Your Fried Rice Protein-Rich

By Niveditha Kalyanaraman

November 5th, 2023

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Want to make your fried rice more nutritious? There are plenty of other options besides meat and eggs. Here are some ingredients that can give your homemade fried rice some added protein

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Tuna, salmon, crab, scallops are packed with protein and can work wonders with Asian fried rice. Try to cook it in sesame oil for maximum taste

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Peanut Butter

Did you know peanut butter works really well with Asian fried rice? try using it with veggie rice made with bell peppers, tofu, carrots, cabbage

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If you're making a veggie fried rice add some seasoned paneer to add some extra protein

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Cauliflower is a source of high protein and can also add an interesting savoury note to your Asian fried rice

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Tamari happens to have a higher protein content than soy sauce and you can easily trade your soy sauce for some tamari in your fried rice

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Eggs can only make your fried rice yummier; try fried, scrambled, boiled or sunny side-up!

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Move over Asian recipes and try your hand at a Mexican fried rice featuring cherry tomatoes, arugula, asparagus and pesto

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Black Bean

Black beans can work really well in flavourful, veggie-loaded fried rice. try adding mushrooms and kosher salt to balance the flavours

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