8 Superfoods That Are Important For Women's Health

By Ujjainee Roy

January 19, 2024

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It's common knowledge that women are more vulnerable to iron and calcium deficiencies once they cross their forties. It's best to consider healthy and balanced meals from early on to prevent health issues that can emerge later. Here are some superfoods which are good for women's health.

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Salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids which supports heart health, reduces inflammation, and may help alleviate menstrual pain. Omega-3s are also crucial for brain function and may contribute to mood stability.

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Berries are packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and fibre and they boost the immune system, and may help reduce the risk of chronic diseases. The antioxidants in berries also contribute to anti-ageing effects.

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Leafy Greens

High in iron, calcium, folate, and vitamins A and C, leafy greens are essential for bone health, blood clotting, and preventing anemia. Folate is especially crucial as it supports a healthy pregnancy.

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Greek Yoghurt

A rich source of calcium and probiotics, Greek yoghurt supports bone health and gut health. The probiotics contribute to a healthy microbiome, which can impact digestion and immune function.

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A complete protein, quinoa provides all essential amino acids, making it an excellent plant-based protein source. It also contains fiber, iron, magnesium, and folate, supporting energy levels and reproductive health.

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Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and lignans, flaxseeds contribute to heart health, hormone balance, and may help alleviate symptoms of menopause. The lignans in flaxseeds have been associated with a lower risk of breast cancer.

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Packed with healthy monounsaturated fats, avocados support heart health and provide a good source of vitamin E, which is essential for skin health. They also contain potassium, which helps regulate blood pressure.

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Broccoli is cruciferous vegetable, rich in vitamins C and K, folate, and fiber. It supports bone health, immune function, and may have protective effects against certain cancers.

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