8 Superfoods That All Women MUST Have!

By Niveditha Kalyanaraman

September 14th, 2023

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Superfood, by definition, is a food rich in nutrients, especially for health and well-being. It stems from the foods having an exceptional nutrient density. Women need an adequate intake of iron, calcium, and other nutrients that help make their bodies stronger to deal with brittle bones, pregnancy, and breast cancer, to name a few. Here are 8 superfoods women must have!

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The red-orange color of the fruit comes from beta carotene and lycopene. Lycopene lowers your chance of getting cervical and breast cancers. It's an antioxidant, too, and keeps cholesterol and blood pressure at healthy levels to help ward off heart disease.

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Plain Yoghurt

Calcium becomes a need when you're beyond 50 and it gives more than a third of your daily calcium intake. It also has loads of vitamin D that helps your body.

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They provide omega-3 fats that can improve the quality of breast milk and also provide healthy fatty acids, vitamin D, and calcium.

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Flaxseed is rich in fibers and plant compounds that help prevent breast cancer.

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Sweet Potato

Sweet potatoes are the full package of copper, fiber, vitamin B6, potassium, iron and more. They're also full of beta carotene, an A+ source of vitamin A. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, it makes sure your baby's little lungs are healthy and strong.

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Berries And Cherries

They have loads of vitamin C to build collagen, the protein that keeps your skin firm and smooth. They also have flavonoids and antioxidants, which can protect healthy cells from damage.

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They can lower your blood pressure, blood sugar, and heart rate -- all things that can lead to heart disease. They have lots of protein and are high in fiber.

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These tasty soybean pods are full of fiber, good fats, and estrogen-like compounds called isoflavones. Isoflavones can help cool hot flashes and are your friends during menopause.

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