8 Stomach Soothing Foods To Eat During The Monsoon 

By Shireen Jamooji

July 19, 2023

During the monsoon season, it is crucial to prioritise gut health to ward off infections. Here are 8 foods that promote a healthy gut and boost immunity.


Rich in probiotics, yoghurt aids digestion and strengthens the immune system.


With its anti-inflammatory properties, ginger soothes the digestive system and prevents bloating.


This powerful spice reduces inflammation and promotes gut health due to its curcumin content.


Known for its antibacterial properties, garlic boosts the immune system and supports a healthy gut.


Enzymes in papaya aid digestion and reduce stomach inflammation, making it an ideal monsoon fruit.


Packed with fibre, greens promote healthy digestion and provide essential nutrients.


High in vitamin C and antioxidants, lemon boosts immunity and aids in digestion.


High in vitamin C and antioxidants, lemon boosts immunity and aids in digestion.

Whole Grains

Whole grains like oats and brown rice provide fibre and promote healthy gut bacteria, enhancing digestion.