8 Smarter Food Combos For Quick And Healthy Weight Loss

By Shireen Jamooji

August 14, 2023

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Maintaining a healthy weight involves smart food choices and that can come with eating smarter. Here are 8 ingredient combinations that support weight loss.

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Oats And Berries

Fibre-rich oats keep you full, while antioxidants in berries aid metabolism.

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Yoghurt And Cinnamon

Protein in yoghurt promotes satiety; cinnamon stabilises blood sugar levels, curbing cravings.

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Salmon And Greens

Omega-3s in salmon boost metabolism; greens offer low-calorie bulk and nutrients.

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Eggs And Avocado

Protein in eggs controls appetite; healthy fats in avocado provide sustained energy.

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Quinoa And Veggies

Quinoa's protein and fibre curb hunger; veggies offer nutrients with minimal calories.

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Rice And Beans

Protein-fibre combo keeps you satisfied; stable energy from complex carbs.

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Chicken And Broccoli

Lean protein in chicken supports fullness; broccoli is nutrient-dense and low-calorie.

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Apple And Nut Butter

Apple's fibre delays hunger; almonds provide protein, healthy fats, and crunch.

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