8 Reasons To Add Guavas To Your Diet And Stay Healthy

By Aishwarya Sahasrabudhe

August 9, 2023

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Guavas sprinkled with red chilli powder and chaat masala are more than just a delicious snack. The ripe, green fruit has a number of nutritional benefits. Here are some health benefits of adding a guava to your fruit platter.

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Boosts Immunity

Guavas are rich in vitamin C which helps to boost immunity, ward off infection and flush harmful toxins out of the body.

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Regulates Diabetes

The fruit has a high fibre content and a low glycaemic index so it is good for those with high blood sugar because it inhibits sudden spikes in insulin levels.

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Boosts Gut Health

Guavas are excellent for fortifying digestion. The high proportion of digestive fibre in the fruit acts as a mild laxative to ward off constipation.

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Strengthens Teeth

Taking a bite of a crispy, hard guava tests the strength of your teeth! Its anti-bacterial properties ward off infection and toothache, reduce swelling in gums and treat oral ulcers.

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Boosts Metabolism

For those looking to cut down on excess calories, guava is an excellent fruit to add to the diet. Its fibrous goodness boosts metabolism and helps in enhancing fat burning.

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Promotes Glowing Skin

Guavas are a superfood filled with vitamins A and C which have anti-ageing properties that keep fine lines and wrinkles away, giving the skin a healthy glow.

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Improves Blood Flow

The presence of vitamins B3 and B6 in guavas help to boost blood circulation which in turn promotes brain function and relaxes nerves.

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Boosts Heart Health

The fibre and potassium present in guavas has been linked to reducing bad cholesterol and lowering the risk of heart disease and stroke.

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