8 Nuts & Dry Fruits That Are Perfect For Winter Salads

By Ujjainee Roy

December 7th, 2023

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It’s the season to have fun with your salads! Make the most of seasonal flavours by incorporating dried fruits and nuts in your salads. Dark leafy salads especially can benefit from the natural sweetness that fried fruits or nuts can bring in salads. Here are a few nuts and fruits which are good for winter salads

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They are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and add a pleasant crunch to salads. Add them in salads that have oranges, pears and other chewy fruits

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Almonds are high in vitamin E and fibre and they can be sliced or slivered to add a nice texture to salads. You can also add crushed almonds for a subtle crunch

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Winter salads are perfect for pecans. They have a natural sweetness that’s gentle and not too intense and their textured coating helps add a distinct texture to leafy salad.

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Pine Nuts

Pine nuts have a delicate and buttery flavour, and lightly toasting them can enhance their taste. Add them to Mediterranean salads or in salads that have minimal dressing

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Sweet and tangy, dried cranberries add a burst of flavour and chewiness to salads. Try to add them to salads that have vinaigrette dressing or sherry vinegar, as it can play up the sweetness of berries

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Dried apricots are slightly tart and they bring a chewy texture and a rich flavour to any winter salads. Apricots go well with peaches, pears, pineapple, spiced apples and balsamic glaze

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Dates are naturally sweet and can add a caramel-like sweetness to any winter salad. You can add diced dates to your winter salads as they add quite a bit of chewiness to leafy salads

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Dried figs offer a naturally smokey, honey-like flavour. You can use them for seasonal salads that have herbaceous notes since it offers a nice contrast

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