8 Monsoon Special Fruits To Accompany Your Meal Daily

By Niveditha Kalyanaraman

August 23, 2023

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Monsoon is the season our body's immune system feels weak due to change in weather. Here are some fruit friends who can help you boost your immunity!

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These red gems are rich in Vitamin B and increase blood cells. A must have fruit that boosts your antioxidants and keeps you as cool as the rainy breeze.

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Litchis contain Vitamin C that's helpful in keeping the season's flu and cold away. They also help with acne that the rains bring along.

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Pears boost immunity and are rich in Vitamin C. A single offering contains 12% of your daily vitamin C requirements.

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An all-season star, an apple during a rainy day gives you vitamins and minerals to keep diseases away.

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Jamuns are strong defenders and help keep gastric dysfunction away. They also provide phosphate and iron.

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Plums are a plump supplier of dietary fibers, potassium and Vitamin K. They protect your immunity and help prevent constipation.

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One of the best monsoon fruits to eat daily, cherries are rich in antioxidants and help prevent inflammation.

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Our hydration takes a hit during the monsoon season and melons are loyal suppliers of electrolytes. They also provide Vitamin A and C and control our blood pressure.

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