8 Low-Calorie Desserts You Can Bring To A New Year's Party

By Ujjainee Roy

December 30, 2023

You don't have to bring sugary, fatty desserts to the New Year's bash you're headed this week. There are plenty of low-calorie, delicious sweet treats you can make at home that are creative and festive! Have a look

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Fruit Skewers

Thread a variety of colourful, bite-sized fruits onto skewers. Choose fruits like strawberries, pineapple chunks, melon balls, and grapes for a refreshing and low-calorie treat

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Chocolate-Dipped Strawberries

This classic will never fail you! Dip fresh strawberries in dark chocolate. Dark chocolate is rich in flavour, and strawberries add natural sweetness. Plus, dark chocolate has fewer calories than milk chocolate.

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Mixed Berry Parfait

Layer a mix of fresh berries like blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries with low-fat Greek yoghurt or a light vanilla yoghurt. Top with a sprinkle of granola for added crunch

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Mini Pavlova

Create small pavlovas by baking meringue nests. Top them with a dollop of whipped cream and fresh berries. Meringue is low in calories, and you can control the portion size

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Mango Sorbet

Blend frozen mango chunks with a splash of water until smooth and set them by refrigeration g The natural sweetness of mango makes a delicious and low-calorie sorbet.

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Greek Yoghurt Popsicles

Mix Greek yoghurt with a bit of honey and fruits like berries, kiwi or mango. Pour the mixture into popsicle moulds and freeze for a delicious, low-calorie dessert

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Fruit Salsa with Cinnamon Chips

Dice up a variety of fruits like kiwi, mango, and berries to create a fruit salsa. Serve it with homemade cinnamon tortilla chips made by cutting whole wheat tortillas into triangles, spraying them with a light coating of oil and baking

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Cranberry And Orange Granita

Combine cranberry juice with orange juice and a hint of sweetener. Freeze the mixture, scraping with a fork occasionally to create a granita with a slushy texture

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