8 Korean Desserts Every K-Drama Fan Will Recognise

By Shireen Jamooji

December 29th, 2023

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Korean culture and particular food is on the rise in India with a thriving fanbase of its own. Here are some tasty traditional desserts to try from Korean cuisine.

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A shaved ice delight, Bingsu comes in various flavours like red bean, matcha, or fruit. Topped with sweet condiments, it's a refreshing Korean treat.

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Imagine a pancake, but better. This sweet griddled snack is filled with a mixture of brown sugar, honey, and peanuts. Crispy on the outside, gooey on the inside.

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These chewy rice cakes come in different shapes and flavours. Often served during celebrations, they symbolise good luck and prosperity.

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 A deep-fried pastry made from honey, sesame oil, and wheat flour. Its subtle sweetness comes from honey and ginger syrup.

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Dalgona Candy

A traditional treat all Squid Game Fans will recognise. Dalgona Candy is a sugar-based confection shaped like a lollipop. The name is derived from the Korean word for "honeycomb."

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Rather than the round doughnuts of the west, these Korean doighnuts are twisted and dusted with cinnamon sugar for a sweet treat. 

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A type of colourful rice cake which come in different colours and are filled with things like sesame, red bean paste, honey and chestnuts.

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Similiar to the Japanese Mochi, this red bean paste filled dessert is a snack often given to people before an exam to sweeten the day.

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