8 Interesting Food Etiquettes From Around The World

By Ujjainee Roy

December 2nd, 2023

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Do you enjoy learning different cultures and dining etiquette? Are you particular about table manners? If you do, then bookmark these dining customs and etiquettes from some tourist-friendly countries in the world, in case you ever happen to visit!

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Japan: Slurping Noodles

In Japan, it is considered polite to slurp noodles, especially broth noodles like ramen. It is considered to be a sign of enjoyment and appreciation for the meal and the cook

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France: Bread Etiquette

In France, it is customary to break off a piece of bread rather than cutting it with a knife. In fact, the bread should not be placed directly on the table but on the plate

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China: Leaving A Little Food Behind

In China, it is considered polite to leave a small amount of food on your plate at the end of the meal. Finishing everything may be seen as an indication that you were not given enough to eat

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Italy: Espresso Etiquette

In Italy, it's common to drink espresso quickly while standing at the counter. However, other coffee varieties, especially colder ones are usually considered for leisurely, sit-down meals

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Ethiopia: Sharing A Plate

In Ethiopian culture, it is customary to share a communal dish. Diners eat from a shared plate in the centre of the table, to show a sense of community and togetherness

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South Korea: Polite Refusals

In South Korea, it is polite to refuse a drink or food at least once before accepting. This shows humility and respect for the offer.

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Thailand: Use of Utensils

In Thailand, it is common to use a fork and spoon while eating. The fork is used to push food onto the spoon, and the spoon is brought to the mouth.

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Mexico: Taco Etiquette

When eating tacos in Mexico, it's customary to use your hands. Tacos are typically served with various toppings, and folding the taco helps prevent fillings from falling out

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