8 Healthy Ways To Replace Sugar In Diwali Sweets

By Niveditha Kalyanaraman

November 6th, 2023

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Diwali is around the corner and the festival of lights is always a time for celebratory sweets. Sugar is an ingredient not many can afford having in heavy doses. Here are 8 healthy ways to replace sugar in diwali sweets.

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Dried and powdered dates is a natural sweetener with minerals and fibres.

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Healthy and natural sweetener, it is a good alternative to white sugar.

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Maple Syrup

Maple syrup is an unusual choice for sweets but it tastes just as good as desi desserts so is a perfect additive.

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Coconut Sugar

It is made from the juice of coconut palms and has a low glycemic index compared to sugar.

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A form of unrefined sugar from sugarcane juice or date palm sap, it contains a lot of antioxidants and minerals.

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Molasses is a waste material retrieved during the sugar refining process with minerals and vitamins.

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A natural zero energy sweetener extracted from the stevia plant, it provides the same amount of sweetness in a lower serving.

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Mashed Fruits

A healthy alternative to sugar is mashed fruits that act as a natural sweetener.

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