8 Healthy Carbs To Boost A Balanced Diet

By Shireen Jamooji

October 12 2023

Incorporating healthy carbohydrates into your diet is essential for sustained energy and overall well-being. Here are eight nutritious carbohydrate sources and why you should include them in your meals:

Rolled Oats

Rich in fibre, oats aid digestion and provide a steady release of energy.

Brown Rice

A whole-grain option that offers essential nutrients and helps regulate blood sugar levels.


A complete protein source with complex carbs, supporting muscle growth.

Sweet Potato

Packed with vitamins and fibre, they promote a healthy heart and digestion.


Lentils, chickpeas, and beans are high in fibre and protein, aiding weight management.

Wholewheat Pasta

Pasta isn't always bad! Whole wheat pasta provides a sustained energy release and enhances satiety.


 Contains soluble fibre, lowering cholesterol and supporting heart health.


These ancient grains like pearl millet, foxtail millet, and others are rich in fibre, vitamins, and minerals.