8 Health Benefits Of Vitamin P; From Fighting Cancer To Boosting Skin Health

By Aishwarya Sahasrabudhe

August 14, 2023

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Vitamin P-rich foods are basically high in flavonoids or the phytonutrients which give plants their colour and protect them from harmful UV rays. Flavonoids are not vitamins but are nutrients found in plant-based foods that have numerous health benefits. Here are some of them.

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Reduce Cell Damage

Foods rich in flavonoids help to contain cell damage because of their high antioxidant content. This reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases and fluctuating blood sugar.

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Lower Inflammation

Flavonoids like rutin or hesperidin are found in many plant-based food sources. These can help to lower swelling in the body and boost the immune system.

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Lower Blood Sugar

Studies have indicated that the antioxidant properties of flavonoids can help to regulate blood sugar levels and decrease the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.

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Ward Off Infection

Bioflavonoids help to strengthen the immune system, which in turn keeps away harmful infections and bacteria. Vitamin P also cleanses the system ridding it of toxic material.

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Boost Brain Function

Research has indicated that flavonoids might have a positive impact on boosting brain function by fortifying the brain cell pathways associated with memory and signalling.

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Improved Skin Health

Vitamin P-rich foods can promote the health of capillaries which reduce the risk of bruising and the onset of age-related, degenerative ailments like varicose veins.

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Promote Eye Health

Bioflavonoids can fortify the presence of healthy blood vessels in the eyes which help to improve vision and inhibit macular degeneration. 

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Cancer-Fighting Properties

Certain bioflavonoids have been known to have cancer-fighting properties that can potentially reduce the risk of developing malignant tumours and prevent breast or lung cancer.

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