8 Health Benefits Of Eating Apricots This Summer

By Shreya Goswami

Have them fresh while in season or dried, but you must include apricots in your summer diet. Here are all the health benefits you can gain by doing so.

Hydrating Fruit

Fresh apricots come in season May onwards and are extremely hydrating fruits, a must-have during summers.

Electrolyte Balance

Loaded with potassium and electrolytes, apricots are good for summer rehydration and body balance.

Immune Booster

Packed with plenty of vitamin C and loads of antioxidants, apricots are must-haves during summer months.

Gut Power

Apricots have plenty of dietary fibre, which aids digestion and boosts the growth of healthy gut microbes.

Improves Vision

Rich in vitamins A and E, eating apricots can help you prevent vision loss and improve eye health.

Skin Health

Loaded with vitamins E and C, and rich in antioxidants, this fruit can work wonders on your skin health.

Liver Protection

Packed with antioxidants, apricots help the liver function properly and helps produce digestive enzymes.

Heart Healthy

Because of its high fibre, vitamin and antioxidant properties, apricots are great for your heart health too.