By Tarishi Shrivastava
April 22, 2024
The summer heat can be unbearable and cause health issues like heatstroke and dehydration. Sugarcane juice is a refreshing drink that helps beat the heat. It hydrates, cools the body down, and provides nutrients like antioxidants, minerals, and vitamin B.
The presence of dietary fibre in the juice helps stimulate peristaltic motion, control inflammation and relieve symptoms of constipation and bloating.
Few studies suggest drinking raw sugarcane juice helps lower overall cholesterol levels and further prevent cardiovascular diseases.
Sugarcane juice acts like a perfect drink to replenish lost electrolytes and water. It also helps regulate the release of glucose in the body for a healthy sugar high.
The juice contains minerals like calcium and phosphorus that protect the tooth enamel and help strengthen the teeth.
As the juice has a low glycemic index, consuming it during pregnancy helps boost metabolism and digestion and provides instant energy throughout the day.
Sugarcane juice is loaded with nutrients and minerals like calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, and manganese, which can help to strengthen bones.
The juice is rich in dietary fibre, which keeps you full for longer and prevents overeating. While the alkaline nature helps with easy fat burning, the high natural sugar content stimulates calorie burning.
Amino acids found in sugarcane juice help to balance stress hormone levels and induce sleep, thereby providing relief from insomnia.