8 Handy Tips To Make The Perfect Hot Chocolate

By Shreya Goswami

December 5, 2023

Image Credit: Pexels

The perfect hot chocolate is the ultimate drink to indulge in during winter season because it’s warm, decadent and embraces you with a chocolatey goodness. Here are some tips you need to whip up the best hot chocolate.

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Pick Quality Cocoa

Make sure you pick the highest quality cocoa powder or chocolate bars with 70% or more cocoa concentration (dark chocolate).

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Milk Matters

Select whole milk or full fat milk for that creamy texture. Opt for almond milk or thick coconut milk if you are vegan.

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Balance The Sweetness

Add a spoon of sugar, honey or maple syrup at a time and taste as you go to avoid overly sweet hot chocolate.

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Spices Add Flavour

Add cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla, cayenne pepper and salt to spice your hot chocolate and add a layer of warmth.

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Slow And Steady Heat

Keep the heat at medium-low and never let the milk boil. This can ruin the texture and taste of hot chocolate.

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Whisking Right

Whisk continuously while making hot chocolate to ensure the liquid isn’t lumpy and horrible in texture.

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Master The Texture 

Make sure your hot chocolate isn’t too thin. Add cream or cashew butter to ensure a thick, velvety texture.

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Customise Your Toppings

From whipped cream to marshmallows, pick the toppings you like to add more colour and depth to your hot chocolate.

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