8 Hacks To Upcycle Your Tea Bags

By Smriti Dey

February 9, 2024

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Tea bags are far beyond done after serving. The main purpose of it is to make a good cup of tea. But what after that? There are lots of ways you can recycle different kinds of tea bags. Keep reading to learn more. 

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Used tea bags can be composted to create nutrient-rich soil for your garden. The tea leaves will decompose with other organic matter, enriching the soil.

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Place used tea bags in areas that need deodorising, such as refrigerators, shoes, or closets. The natural absorbent properties of tea can help neutralise odours.

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Skin Care

You can also use cooled tea bags as a gentle exfoliator or to soothe sunburns and minor skin irritations and help in removing dark circles.

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Soak used tea bags in water to create a natural fertiliser for houseplants or garden plants. You can bury the tea bags directly in the soil or use the tea-infused water to water your plants.

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The tannins in tea have natural cleaning properties, making used tea bags useful for cleaning surfaces like mirrors, countertops, and wooden furniture. 

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Stain Remover

Dab a used tea bag onto fabric stains such as clothing or carpets to help lift the stain. The tannins in the tea can help break down and lift the stain in some cases. 

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Meat Tenderiser 

Before cooking, marinate meats in a mixture of brewed tea and your choice of herbs and spices. The acidic properties of the tea will help tenderise the meat while adding flavour.

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Hair Conditioner

Rinse your hair with cooled, brewed tea to add shine and enhance natural highlights. 

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