8 Fun Tips To Use Up Those Herbs Better While Cooking

By Shreya Goswami

Whether you are cooking with fresh herbs or dried herbs, Indian ones or exotic ones, these tips and tricks will help you ace cooking with these flavour bombs at home.

Choose Wisely

When selecting fresh herbs, look for vibrant leaves with a strong aroma. Avoid wilted or discolored herbs.

Store Properly

To keep fresh herbs at their best, trim the ends of the stems and place them in a glass of water, covering the leaves loosely with a plastic bag.

Timing Matters

Add fresh herbs toward the end of the cooking process or as a garnish, and dry herbs right at the beginning of cooking.

Adjust Quantities

Dried herbs are more concentrated in flavor compared to fresh herbs so use it sparingly or as per recipe instructions.

Crush Before Adding

Before adding dried herbs to your dish, rub and crush them to release their essential oils and intensify their flavors.

Mind The Cooking Time

While fresh herbs wilt and cook very quickly, dried herbs can withstand longer cooking times, so add accordingly.

Experiment With Combinations

Herbs can be used individually or combined to create unique flavor profiles so don’t be scared of experimenting.

Try New Herbs

Expand your culinary repertoire by exploring herbs you haven't used before.