8 Foods To Include In Your Diet To Boost Magnesium Levels

By Shireen Jamooji

November 13, 2023

Ensuring an adequate intake of magnesium is crucial for bone health, muscle health and maintaining overall wellness. Here are eight magnesium-rich foods to consider incorporating into your diet:


A leafy green powerhouse, spinach is not only rich in iron but also a great source of magnesium, promoting bone health and muscle function.


Snack on almonds for a magnesium boost. These nuts are not only delicious but also contribute to maintaining a healthy nervous system.


Beyond its creamy texture, avocados offer a good dose of magnesium, supporting various bodily functions, including energy production.


Bananas are not just a convenient snack; they also provide magnesium, aiding in muscle relaxation and preventing cramps.


Switching to quinoa as a staple grain introduces a magnesium-rich alternative, benefiting heart health and overall well-being.

Dark Chocolate

Indulge wisely in dark chocolate, as it contains magnesium that can contribute to a healthy cardiovascular system.


This fatty fish not only supplies omega-3 fatty acids but also offers magnesium, supporting heart health and muscle function.

Pumpkin Seeds

Adding a handful of pumpkin seeds to your diet provides a magnesium boost, aiding in bone density and maintaining a robust immune system.