8 Foods To Include For Naturally Umami Flavours 

By Deepali Verma

August 6, 2023

Umami, the savoury fifth taste, enriches our meals with a new level of flavour and texture. Learn to appreciate umami by eating these naturally rich umami foods. 


Rich in natural glutamic acid, tomatoes add umami to various Indian dishes, from curries to chutneys. 

Soy Sauce 

A staple in Indian cooking, soy sauce enhances umami in marinades, stir-fries, and dipping sauces. 


Earthy and savory, mushrooms are a great source of umami, elevating the taste of gravies and stir-fries. 


The tangy and sour tamarind adds depth and umami to sambar, rasam, and chutneys. 


Fenugreek seeds or leaves lend a unique bitterness that contributes to umami in Indian curries and pickles. 

Coconut Milk 

Creamy coconut milk enhances umami in south Indian dishes like coconut-based curries and stews. 


Adding a pungent aroma, asafoetida is used as a flavor enhancer in Indian cooking, adding umami to various dishes. 


Cumin seeds and powder provide a warm, earthy flavor, enhancing the umami profile of Indian spice blends and gravies.