8 Foods That Lose Their Nutrients When Cooked

By Niveditha Kalyanaraman

November 14th, 2023

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Did you know that some of your favourite foods are meant to be eaten raw for their full benefits? Cooking processes them in ways that strips their nutrients away. Here are 8 foods that lose their nutrients when cooked.

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Tomatoes lose some of their Vitamin C content as it breaks down at high temperatures. Try eating it raw or use light cooking methods like blanching.

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The oxalic acid in spinach binds with calcium to form crystals that reduce its absorption. Consider eating it raw in salads or smoothies.

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Allicin, the compound responsible for its healing properties, is heat sensitive and it's healthier to eat garlic raw.

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The probiotics in curd are gut friendly and they're compromised at high temperatures. Add it to dishes after they're cooked or eat it raw.

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The healthy fats in almonds become rancid at high temperatures and are better eaten raw.

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Excessive heating can cause healthy fats and antioxidants to breakdown. Use it as a drizzle on salads or finished salads.

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Raw honey is a powerhouse of nutrients and heating honey breaks down all of its nutrients.

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A nutritional powerhouse, broccoli should be steamed or stir fried as overheating broccoli reduces its nutrients.

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