8 Different Types Of Chocolate

By Rittwik Naskar

Any type of chocolate can be deciphered by the percentage of cocoa butter, cococa liquor, and cocoa solids it contains, compared to additives like sugar, milk solids, etc. Here are 8 kinds of chocolate that are produced worldwide.

Contains cocoa liquor, cocoa butter, and sugar but, no milk solids. It has distinct bitter notes but it's balanced by the sugar which makes it enjoyable.

Dark Chocolate

The most widely available and popular chocolate, sees cocoa butter and cocoa solids with sugar and milk solids, but no cocoa liquor.

Milk Chocolate

Image Credit: vaya.in

Contains cocoa butter, sugar and milk solids with no cocoa liquor or solids which gives it that white colour.

White Chocolate

Commonly used in baking and culinary purposes, this has a high percentage of cocoa in them which lends it a richer, more bitter flavour.

Bittersweet Chocolate

Image Credit: homeperch.com

Has a considerably less percentage of cocoa than dark chocolate and can have no more than 50% sugar.

Semisweet Chocolate

Image Credit: countrykitchensa.com

Also referred to as baking chocolate, this has no sugar or milk solids and can only be deemed edible after using it in a dish combined with other ingredients.

Unsweetened Chocolate

Image Credit: tastingtable.com

Has all the cocoa solids but retains none of the cocoa butter or added sugar, and it is used primarily in culinary applications.

Cocoa Powder

Image Credit: santabarbarachocolate.com

Contains a higher percentage of cocoa butter which helps it melt quickly and evenly, perfect for tempering chocolate.

Cocoa Powder

Image Credit: valrhona.us