8 Cooking Methods That Made Our Lives Easier 

By Tanisha Salwan


In this method, food is cooked in liquid in slow heat. Poached eggs are quite a famous dish.  


In steaming, food cooks in moist heat which can be slower than boiling in its simplest form.


In boiling, which is a common cooking method, the food is cooked on boiling temperature in a liquid.   


Baking uses dry heat to cook food. Often oven is used as a common medium to bake food.


Blanching is used to scale or boil vegetables in hot water, followed by water drained out and vegetables placed in cold or chilled water. 


This cooking method uses heat coming from downside to cook the food. Grilling gives colour to the food while exposing heat. 


In roasting, the food gets cooked using indirect heat. Some famous dishes like roast chicken are cooked using the same method. 


This cooking method involves high oil quantity to fry food. The food is drowned in oil and cooked.