8 Best Breakfast Eating Rules To Stay Healthy

By Ranita Ray

Eating a wholesome breakfast is most important to keep you active and healthy for the rest of the day. It serves as an easy way of helping you to maintain optimum wealth with a host of nutrients as required by your body.  To make the eating game right, here is a list of eight breakfast rules that you should follow strictly.

Don't Skip It

Skipping breakfast pushes your body to a survival-like mode, wherein it saves energy by lowering the metabolic rate. It will lead to uncontrolled hunger later in the day.

Timing Matters

Aim to have breakfast within 1-2 hours of waking from sleep. If you workout, make sure you have breakfast within 30-45 minutes of post-workout.

Vitamins & Minerals

Your body needs loads of vitamins and minerals in the morning. One should note that jam on toast or butter spread has minimal nutrition.

Protein Rule

Ensure you have 20 grams of protein to keep your stomach full and curb your appetite. Include eggs, low-fat ricotta, hummus etc.

Complex Carbs

Complex carbs release very slow energy, which is best for supporting sugar levels. Root vegetables, fruits, quinoa, buckwheat, grain bread, and oats are options.

No High Sugar Food

High-sugar breakfasts drain energy and make you hungry. Avoid foods like muffins, muesli, banana bread and pancakes that are loaded with added sugars.

No To Salt-Sugar Combo

Avoid sweet-salty combinations. Stay away from salty meals after eating sugary fruits. Salty foods create stomach inflammation when consumed with fruits. 

Eat At Ease

Avoid eating on the run since that usually results in indigestion. Respect your breakfast meal and eat peacefully.