By Nikita Toppo
August 1, 2023
Indian cooking is incomplete without the use of green chillies. Here are eight amazing health of them you must know.
Capsaicin, the chemical abundantly present in green chillies, helps reduce blood sugar levels.
The bioactive compounds in green chillies have high antimicrobial properties.
It is rich in vitamin E and vitamin C that promotes healthy and glowing skin.
Capsaicin, the active compound in green chillies, is known to boost metabolism and aids weight loss.
Green chillies contain high amounts of Vitamin C and beta-carotene which strengthens the immune system.
Vitamin C in green chillies helps form collagen, a protein that provides structure to the eyes.
Being a good source of vitamin C, green chillies make the hair stronger and healthier.
Green chilli is loaded with dietary fibre that helps in keeping the digestive system healthy.