7 Wines To Pair With South Indian Foods

By Ujjainee Roy

October 27th, 2023

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Ever wonder what wine you should pick with your Dosa dinner or with Malabar Parotas? Here are some great suggestions

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Gamay Wine With A Paper Dosa

Gamay is a light-bodied red wine with a mild acidity, it pairs well with non-dense, airy foods

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Pinot Noir With Masala/Cheese Dosa

The fruity, rich wine has a light smoky flavour which goes with the savoury dosa or the cheese

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Pair Idlis With Albarino

Albarino is a white wine with clean notes of lemon, lime, grapefruit and pear; it goes best with idli and coconutty sides

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Sauvignon Blanc With Vadas

A ripe Sauvignon Blanc goes really well with savoury fried foods like vadas

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Dry German Riesling With Puttu

The strong coconutty taste of Puttu shines best if paired with a German Riesling with high acidity

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Burgundy Chardonnay With Malabar Parota

If you're sampling the Parota with some flavourful or tangy sides, try the full-bodied Burgundy Chardonnay wine

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Sauternes With Kesari

The semolina dessert is best paired with the sweet French wine that brings out its flavours

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