7 Weight Loss Foods To Add To Your Morning Diet

By Krati Purwar

February 6, 2024

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Weight loss is a journey that requires a person to put in a lot of effort. You need to take care of your diet as well as adhere to a workout routine that would help you get into shape. Here are a few foods that you can consume in the morning to boost your metabolism.

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If you have ever hired a trainer, they will tell you to gulp down bananas first thing in the morning. It boosts energy levels for workouts and loads your body with fibre. 

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Having fruits and vegetables in the morning helps you increase fibre intake while keeping the calorie count low. A glass of nutritious food can help you curb cravings.

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Green Tea

A cup of green tea in the morning is like taking a pill to burn fat. Club it with breakfast, and it will boost metabolism. If you continue exercising, it can help to reduce belly fat.

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Though in calories, oatmeal is high in fibre and protein. It can help to maintain blood sugar levels. Eating oats is also associated with preventing overeating and weight loss.

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Eggs in the morning are one of the best ways to start your day. It helps to control appetite and frequent eating between meals. Thus, eggs can help in your weight loss journey.

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Nuts contain healthy fats, protein, and fibre. They can regulate your bowel movements and help you achieve weight loss goals. However, you must eat them in moderation.

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Cottage Cheese

Contrary to popular belief, cottage cheese is rich in protein and contains less amount of fat. You can have it for breakfast or saute some cubes and enjoy it as is. 

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