7 Ways To Prevent Cracked Cakes During Baking

By Ujjainee Roy

March 9, 2024

A cracked sponge is truly disheartening and it can be causes by anything, be it over-mixing, incorrect baking temperature or the wrong flour. There are some easy ways to prevent a cracked top or cracks in the edges of a sponge when you're making a cake. Let's explore.


Mixing the cake batter too much can incorporate excess air, leading to air bubbles in the batter. As the cake bakes, these air bubbles expand and cause cracks on the surface of the cake. Mix the batter just until the ingredients are combined and smooth to prevent over-mixing.

Use Only Room Temperature Ingredients

Ensure that all your ingredients, especially eggs and butter, are at room temperature before incorporating them into the batter. Room temperature ingredients blend together more easily, creating a smoother batter and reducing the risk of cracking.

Don't Overfill The Cake Pan

Overfilling the cake pan can cause the batter to overflow as it rises, leading to uneven baking and potential cracking. Fill the cake pan no more than two-thirds full to allow ample room for the cake to rise evenly.

Proper Oven Temperature

Preheat your oven to the correct temperature as specified in the recipe. Fluctuations in oven temperature can cause uneven baking and result in cracked cakes. Use an oven thermometer to ensure that your oven is accurately calibrated.

Avoid Opening the Oven Door Too Often

Opening the oven door frequently during baking can cause fluctuations in temperature and disrupt the baking process, leading to cracked cakes. Only open the oven door when necessary, such as to rotate the cake pans halfway through baking.

Use Bake Even Strips

Bake even strips are fabric strips that can be soaked in water and wrapped around the cake pans before baking. They help insulate the edges of the cake, promoting even baking and reducing the risk of cracking.

Allow The Cake To Cool Properly

After removing the cake from the oven, allow it to cool in the cake pan for about 10-15 minutes before transferring it to a wire rack to cool completely. Cooling the cake too quickly can cause it to shrink and crack.