7 Ways To Gain Weight By Eating Chia Seeds

By Krati Purwar

February 19, 2024

Image Credit: Freepik

One of the most common misconceptions about chia seeds is that they can only be consumed by people on a weight-loss diet. However, many people struggle with gaining weight and muscle mass. These seeds can also be incorporated into a diet for managing your weight within the healthy range. 

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Adding chia seeds to salads can help you make a hearty dish. You can also add them to the dressing to increase the nutrition quotient and gain weight.

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Chia seeds can be added to smoothies made with vegetables and fruits. It adds healthy fats to the recipe which is crucial for muscle mass.

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Chia Seeds Pudding

Chia seed pudding can help control your cravings for fast food, but you can consume it for snacks and breakfast to load your body with protein.

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Energy Bars

You can make protein bars by mixing chia seeds with oats, fruits, nuts, and homemade almond or peanut butter. It will help you gain a healthy amount of weight.

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Sprinkle a good amount of chia seeds on a creamy bowl of porridge cooked with milk and oats. The use of dairy, nuts, and seeds makes it a perfect dish for people on a weight gain diet.

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Baked Goods

While many baked goods are considered unhealthy, you can make them healthy by using nutritious ingredients like chia seeds.

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If you use chia seeds as a thickening agent in sauces, it will help you add extra calories to the recipe. The sauces or gravies containing these seeds can help you gain weight.

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