7 Ways Of De-Cluttering Your Kitchen Efficiently

By Ujjainee Roy

February 18, 2024

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De-cluttering your kitchen can make it more functional, organized, and can even help you cook faster! With a few simple de-cluttering hacks, you can transform your kitchen into a streamlined and functional space that enhances your cooking experience. Let's explore.

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Categorise Smaller Items First

Smaller items are much harder to find and store, since they're not easily visible. Allocate some areas for storing these small pieces. This will give you a clearer picture of what you have and help you identify duplicates or items you no longer need.

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Utilise Vertical Spaces

Maximize storage space by utilising vertical space. Install shelves or hanging racks on walls to store pots, pans, and cooking utensils. This frees up counter and cabinet space for other items.

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De-Clutter Countertops

Keep countertops clear by storing only essential items such as frequently used appliances or cooking tools. Store the rest in cabinets or drawers to create a clean and spacious work surface.

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Invest in Storage Solutions

Invest in storage solutions such as drawer dividers, cabinet organizers, and stackable containers to make the most of your kitchen space. These can help you keep items neatly organized and easily accessible.

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Clear Out Your Pantry Every Few Days

Regularly de-clutter your pantry by removing expired items, consolidating duplicates, and organizing items by category. Use clear containers or labeled bins to store dry goods and ingredients, making it easier to find what you need.

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Throw Out Unnecessary Cookware

Assess your cookware collection and keep only the items you use regularly. Donate or sell any excess pots, pans, or bakeware that are taking up unnecessary space in your kitchen.

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Be Smart About Using Spaces

Look for ways to use every big or small space in your kitchen, such as the insides of cabinet doors, the area above cabinets, or the sides of appliances. Install hooks or racks on the inside of cabinet doors to hang measuring cups oven mitts, or utensils. 

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