7 Vitamin B Rich Foods To Add In Your Diet

By Nikita Toppo

November 13, 2023

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It is very important to consume vital nutrients to protect our body from various diseases and illnesses. Speaking particularly about vitamin B, it keeps the heart healthy and helps the body to produce energy.  Here are seven best sources of vitamin E you must include in your daily meals:

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Whole Grains

Whole grains like brown rice, barley, quinoa, oats and millets are powerhouses of nutrients along with B vitamins.

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The B vitamins help in creating energy, hormone synthesis and development of red blood cells.

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Besides calcium, milk is also a good source of vitamin B that cures anaemia and promote microbial synthesis.

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Legumes such as black beans, chickpeas and lentils are high in B vitamins along with protein and fibre.

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Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits like oranges, pomelos, limes, grapefruits and lemons contain six types of B vitamins including B1, B2, B3 and B5.

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Salmon fish contains good amounts of vitamin B2, B3 and B12 that help in keeping your heart and brain healthy.

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Leafy greens like spinach are abundant in B vitamins that help in the creation of red blood cells and boost eyesight.

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