7 VIBGYOR Foods For Your Vibrant Rainbow Diet

By Aishwarya Sahasrabudhe

August 14, 2023

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A rainbow diet essentially means incorporating a wide array of colourful veggies and fruits into your everyday meals to fulfil all your nutrition requirements. Here are some foods that can be part of your meal plan if you are following the vibrant rainbow diet.

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This red-coloured food contains lycopene, an antioxidant which helps to protect the body against cancer risks and works towards preventing radical cell damage.

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The green cruciferous vegetable has high amounts of fibre and nutrients which keep bad cholesterol away. Cabbages are also excellent sources of vitamin C.

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The orange-coloured vegetable is a rich source of beta carotene that not only boosts overall health but when converted into vitamin A, also works wonders on eye health and vision.

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This purple vegetable is a great source of electrolytes like potassium and magnesium as well as vitamins like folate which boost heart health, metabolism and brain function.

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Ripe, yellow-coloured bananas are filled with electrolytes and nutrients essential for giving the body adequate energy and maintaining pH levels for overall wellness.

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Berries contain vitamin C and B6 along with fibre and antioxidants. They also contain anti-inflammatory properties and protect the body against the formation of cancerous tumours.

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This slightly violet and white veggie is as nutritious as it is tasty. Onions contain prebiotics that help in the healthy growth of gut bacteria and strengthen the digestive system.

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