7 Variety of Breads You Should Know

By Aanchal Mathur

Sourdough Bread

Made with just three ingredients - flour, salt and water, sourdough is unique since it does not require any additional leavening agents and undergoes natural fermentation by wild yeast and bacteria present in the flour.  

Foccacia Bread

A flat oven-baked Italian bread, foccacia is crispy from the outside and soft and fluffy from inside. It is flavoured with herbs besides olives, cheese, sun-dried tomatoes, garlic and rosemary.  


A long and slender shape makes this French bread unique. It is made with lean dough and can be found in bakeries all around the world.  


If you're a fan of sweet breads, then you should definitely try brioche. Enriched with butter and eggs, this French bread is super soft and has a rich texture. 

Rye Bread

As the name suggests, this bread is made from rye flour. Dark in colour, it has an earthy flavour, and is typically denser as compared to other breads. 

Pita Bread

Pita bread is a popular Middle Eastern bread which puffs up when baked at high temperatures, creating an air pocket in the middle.