7 Useful Tips To Make Perfect Jalebi At Home

By Nikita Toppo

February 15, 2024

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Who doesn’t like to enjoy crispy and juicy jalebi? Made with flour and sugar syrup, it is one of the most popular sweets in India. Follow these seven simple tips to make perfect jalebis at home.

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Urad Dal

Adding urad dal to your batter gives the sweet treat a complex nutty tone along with a crispy texture.

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Aim for a little thick and smooth batter like pancake batter. Too thin will make greasy jalebis and too thick will lead to dense ones.

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Piping Tip

Your condiment bottle or piping tip must be exactly ¼ inch wide to the get perfect shaped jalebis.

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Soak Properly

Soaking the jalebi properly in the sugar syrup up to 15 minutes will ensure a juicy result.

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For Flavours

Infuse your syrup with cardamom, saffron, or rosewater for an extra layer of flavour.

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Do Not Overcrowd The Pan

Fry a few jalebis at a time to avoid lowering the oil temperature and making them greasy.

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Right Consistency Of The Syrup

Cook the sugar syrup until a thin string stretch between your fingers and breaks once. Over cooking it will give hard jalebis and undercooked will lead to soggy ones.

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