7 Undeniable Reasons To Add Poppy Seeds In Dishes

By Bhavana Verma

February 11, 2024

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Poppy seeds or khus khus are added to several dishes for their subtle nutty flavour with nodes of sweetness. More than being a flavourful addition, poppy seeds possess great health benefits and nutrients which makes them a must in daily diet.

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Source of Dietary Fiber

Poppy seeds are rich in fibre which helps digestion, improves gut health and helps in treating constipation.

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Filled with Calcium and Phosphorus

The calcium and phosphorus in poppy seeds help in building strong bones and treat bone injuries.

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Treats Illnesses

The antioxidants in poppy seeds prevent cellular damage and treat various illnesses.

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Assist in Better Sleep

Warm milk with poppy seeds helps in getting better sleep at night and works as a remedy for insomnia.

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Enhances Immunity 

The iron content in poppy seeds works as an oxygen carrier throughout the body and supports the immune system.

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Regulates Growth and Development

The zinc in poppy seeds helps regulate the growth of cells and the development of protein.

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Boosts Skin Health

The unsaturated fats in poppy seeds help in making the skin more beautiful and less scaly.

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