7 Toppings To Make Your Noodles Tastier And Healthier

By Niveditha Kalyanaraman

December 9th, 2023

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Noodles are perfect for eating quickly on-the-go, or for sitting down to enjoy with family and friends. It's a comfort food enjoyed by everyone, as there’s a universe of toppings and flavourings that can be added to really make it personal for each individual. Here are 7 toppings to make your noodles tastier and healthier.

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Many of us struggle to add extra calcium to our diet. Adding cheese to a noodle dish can be a great way to improve your intake of this essential mineral, that safeguards our long-term health.

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Sesame Seeds

Sesame seeds and linseeds are tiny seeds packed with oils that have been used for thousands of years in traditional medicine for their varying health benefits. They’re a great source of fibre and have been known to lower cholesterol.

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Edamame Beans

Much like sesame seeds, these little beans (commonly used in Japanese cuisine) are little bursts of flavour that are also packed full of protein. Adding them to your noodles will add a nice variety of textures and an earthy flavour, as well as a pop of colour for the aesthetics of the dish!

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Sriracha has unofficially been crowned as the international queen of hot sauces – and hot sauces are actually known to have a few health benefits! They may be able to aid in weight loss through their capsaicin content (which speeds up your metabolism), as well as combating congestion and the flu.

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Obviously, it’s no secret that mushrooms are amazing for our health, and personalising an instant noodle dish is the perfect place to get creative and start experimenting with ones you may not have tried before. They are low in calories and high in fibre, protein and important nutrients such as B vitamins.

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For the carnivores out there, it is easy to default to popular proteins for noodles, like beef, chicken or duck. However, seafood can be a delicious addition to noodles, incorporating protein without being heavy enough to create that sluggish ‘food coma’ afterwards.

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Turmeric is an Asian spice typically used in Indian cuisines and gives a nice bright yellow mustard colour to curries. Known for its anti-inflammatory properties, try adding some turmeric powder to your next bowl of ramen noodle soup.

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