7 Tips to Stay Healthy During The Changing Season

By Tanisha Salwan

Sept 21, 2023

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Eat Seasonal Crops

Seasonal crops have more nutritional value than foods that have been processed and packaged.

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Have Whole Grains

Whole grains like quinoa, oats, and others have essential minerals that impart power to the immunity system.

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Have More Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an essential antioxidant that can boost immunity and protect the body.

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Try Fermented Foods

Some fermented foods have higher vitamin C content and are also good for gut health.

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Have Cool Foods

It is advisable to have foods with intrinsic cooling properties like mint, watermelon etc. but don't have these foods cold. 

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Stay Hydrated

One must stay hydrated. Not just drink water but have other liquids too like soups, and kadhas. herbal teas etc. 

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Avoid Raw Foods

Raw food contains more bacteria, especially during monsoon. Also, eat green veggies after washing.

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