7 Tips To Remove Peppery Sharpness From Radishes This Autumn

By Shreya Goswami

October 23, 2023

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While most people look forward to indulging in mooli or radish during autumn and winter months, many are put off by the pungency and sharp taste of the veggie. Here are all the tricks and tips you need to remove this peppery sharpness from raw radish and enjoy.

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Radish skins have concentrated MTBITC enzymes that cause the sulphorous odour and taste, so peel the veggie.

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Soak In Water

Soak radish slices in iced water or cold water to neutralise the MTBITC enzymes and enjoy raw radish in salads.

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Salt And Rest

Adding salt and letting the radish slices rest will release the MTBITC enzymes and leave you with mild-tasting ones.

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Grate And Rest

Grating radishes loosens the MTBITC enzymes, so grate and rest them for half an hour to get rid of the sharp taste.

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Soak In Vinegar

Soaking radish slices in vinegar-infused water can help get rid of the pungency and sharpness of the veggie.

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Turn raw radish into a pickle by mixing spices, oil, vinegar and sugar with it. This removes the sharpness of radishes too.


If nothing else works, then apply heat to the radishes by cooking, baking or air-frying as heat also rids radish of pungency.

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