7 Tips To Ace Your Breakfast Meal Prep

By Risha Ganguly

September 13, 2023

Image Credit: Unsplash

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day but THAT meeting scheduled at 9 or an assignment due at 10 is equally important. And how to balance both? By using these 7 effective meal prep tips. Click to find out.

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Tip 1

Prepare overnight oats with chia, milk, honey or jaggery and dry fruits.

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Tip 2

Make a bigger portion of dinner at night and re-heat to eat for breakfast. Make roti rolls.

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Tip 3

Make breakfast muffins in a big batch and freeze them. Reheat and grab a fruit with it. Eat while commuting to your office.

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Tip 4

Yoghurt parfaits are the easiest thing to assemble. Make them in batches, store them in jars and eat during busy mornings.

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Tip 5

Breakfast burritos go a long way. Make them with rotis, meat and eggs and enjoy by re-heating.

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Tip 6

Plan ahead and make a list of everything you need to prepare. Do this on a weekend and save time.

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Tip 7

In ziplock bags, keep ingredients like veggies, fruits and nuts and freeze. Take them out one by one to blend with a liquid of your choice and have a quick breakfast.

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