7 Substitutes For Ladyfinger Biscuits In Tiramisu

By Ujjainee Roy

February 28, 2024

Ladyfinger biscuits form the base of a tiramisu and add a rich sweetness to the confection. However, if you don't have access to premium ladyfinger biscuits, you can choose these alternatives instead!

Sponge Cake

Sponge cake are the easiest replacements for ladyfinger biscuits. Cut sponge cake into finger-sized pieces and use them as a substitute. They should provide a similar texture and absorbency to ladyfingers.


Crisp biscotti can be used as a firmer alternative to ladyfingers. They won't absorb the coffee mixture as readily but will add a delicious crunch to the dessert.

Pound Cake

Slices of pound cake can serve as a substitute for ladyfingers. They're denser and moister than ladyfingers, so you may want to dip them quickly in the coffee mixture to prevent them from becoming too soggy.


While not as absorbent as ladyfingers, shortbread cookies can add a buttery richness to tiramisu. Dip them briefly in the coffee mixture to soften slightly before layering them in the dessert.

Digestive Biscuits

These slightly sweet, crunchy biscuits can be a good substitute for ladyfingers, especially if you enjoy a bit of extra texture in your tiramisu.

Graham Crackers

While not traditional, graham crackers can work as a substitute for ladyfingers in a pinch. They'll provide a slightly different flavor profile but can still be delicious in tiramisu.

Egg & Sugar Ladyfingers

If you have the time and ingredients, consider making your own ladyfingers at home. There are many recipes available online, and homemade ladyfingers can be made easily using eggs and sugar.