7 Smoothies You Should Include In Your Weight Loss Diet

By Krati Purwar

February 9, 2024

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Weight loss requires careful consideration so that your body is not deprived of essential nutrients, and it boosts your metabolism. You need to include snacks and beverages in your everyday routine that can help you beat hunger pangs without killing your appetite. Here is a list of smoothies that you can try out.

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Strawberry-Banana Smoothie

To meet the requirements for protein in your body, you should try out a strawberry-banana smoothie made with yoghurt. Add some flaxseeds for a burst of omega-3 in your body.

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Carrot-Apple Smoothie

With a creamy texture and tropical flavour, a carrot-apple smoothie is perfect for winter. Make it with coconut milk and add some ginger and lemon juice to add earthy and tangy notes. 

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Beetroot Smoothie

Winter is the season of beetroots. Make a glass of smoothie and add along with orange, banana, and berries for a fresh taste. It will also boost haemoglobin in the body.

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Spinach-Avocado Smoothie

To benefit from the goodness of greens like spinach, make a spinach-avocado smoothie. It will not only aid in weight loss but also help you regulate blood sugar levels.

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Fruit-Yoghurt Smoothie

If you have yoghurt and a few fruits in your refrigerator, make a glass of smoothie before they go bad. This glass of goodness will be loaded with antioxidants to help you build immunity.

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Chocolate-Banana Smoothie

If you exercise every day and need to include protein-rich snacks in your diet, you can start your day with a glass of banana-chocolate smoothie. Use almond milk to make this.

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Pumpkin Pie Smoothie

Use pumpkin and banana to make a glass of creamy smoothie that will boost your immunity, keep seasonal diseases at bay, and help you lose weight by curbing your cravings.

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